Everything that you can think of works with wires. Including Wi-fi networks. Wires work like nerves, untiring, relentless, providing. Lamps, fans, air conditioners, bells, refrigerators, wires are everywhere, working like the nerves of your house.


It is with this understanding and inspiration that RR Kabel has always made the latest advances in wire design  and engineering. RR Kabel wires have outstanding performance characteristics and represent contemporary design. Though designed solely with application and function in mind, our products are nevertheless endowed with a subtle aesthetic. We at RR Kabel think wires are not just objects, we believe that wires play the role of nerves in the body.  Spread across your premises, empowering appliances, and reaching out to every corner of your house to make it come alive with energy. When you believe this you have designers, engineers, fabricators, and other partners who need to have incredible design and commitment to pursue and create a product that can be trusted, and relied upon.

Just like nerves quickly respond to information that our body is transmitting, good wires work with intelligence, conducting, minimizing losses and maintaining safety and savings along every millimeter of its length. The international certifications go on to validate this philosophy at RR Kabel.

Our wires come with different characteristics to suit residential complexes, schools, theatres and other projects. Take a look at our product profile and please ask for assistance or specific queries.